
We are looking for interns and people who want to help out a day or two.


We are looking for people with talent for camera, editing, organising, interviewing, programming (wordpress etc), producing and communicating.
We like strong, smart, assertive, creative and hard working people. 

Language skills:
People who are truly bilingual English & Dutch are real gems for us.
Mother tongue British, English with or without some Dutch skills.
Mother tongue Dutch.

When people speak Globish and no Dutch it’s only good for us if they really excel in other aspects.

We are interested in internships when people commit to a minimum of 3 months and 3 days a week, so we can have the time to both invest in your skills and profit from it. Watch this ‘Diary of an intern’ to see what it’s like. 

Help out

We are looking for people with talent for organising, pro-active assisting, camera.
