Our work is funded by our patrons. Join us as a patron and watch all our films!
Already our patron? Enter the patrons room here.
There are different ways to become our patron:
1. Patreon.com
– Watch our films on Patreon
– Get a viewing link each time a new film is released.
– Gain access to the Patrons Room
Link to Patreon here
2. Monthly donation via form below
– You will receive an email with links to all films.
– Get a viewing link each time a new film is released.
– Gain access to the Patrons Room
Please note:
– An email with access to all films will be sent within a few minutes after your donation.
– Donations are tax-deductible under ANBI-status in the Netherlands.**
– Cancelling your monthly support is always possible and very easy.***
– Feel free to email stefan.ruitenbeek@gmail.com if you have any questions or wish to send a message.
3. One-time-donation via form above. 100 Euro minimum
Choose ‘one-time-donation’ instead of ‘monthly’ in the form above. Please be aware that only one-time donations of 100 Euro or more are granted access. Administering access to smaller one-time-donations is too resource-consuming for us, owing to the software we use. We’re working on a better system to make handling smaller donations less taxing. Access to the Patrons room will be granted for a duration of 2 years, a benefit comparable to a monthly donation of 4 euros sustained over a 2-year period.*
4. Watch a KIRAC film via Vimeo On Demand
KIRAC ACADEMY 1: ‘Kate’s vision’
KIRAC Ep.22: ‘Reasons of Ego ft. Oscar van der Kroon’
KIRAC Ep.21: ‘Buse’ (A Good Student)
KIRAC Ep.19: ‘The Goat’
KIRAC Ep.18: ‘Parasites and Pecan Pie’
KIRAC PODCAST 1: ‘The Video PhD’ ft. Mathieu Weggeman
KIRAC EP.16: ‘King Philip and the Pied Flycatcher’
Crucial Information
*A donation does not buy you exclusive rights or services in return. At KIRAC, we do not operate with a pay-per-view model. Donations we receive, serve to support our artistic proces as a whole, not per individual artwork. Also, donations are non-refundable.
**Tax Deduction Information for Dutch Citizens: Donations are tax-deductible because this is a socially and culturally beneficial project with no return service required. The Stichting Cultuurbord ensures funds are spent efficiently and lawfully.
***You can always discontinue your monthly support. We’re in the process of creating a straightforward cancellation form. Meanwhile, you can send an email with ‘cancel support’ in the subject line and I will handle it. Please include the following in your email:
– ‘cancel support’
– the email you used to subscribe (so I know who to cancel).
Contact me at stefan.ruitenbeek@gmail.com
With Warm Regards,
Stefan Ruitenbeek
Director at KIRAC