
Coming: Kate Sinha, Stefan Ruitenbeek and Mette Maria van Dijk are each working on individual book projects, with the release dates yet to be announced.


Curtis Yarvin in The New York Times
Various writers, 2025 January 19

Kunstenaar Tarik Sadouma bezoekt debatcentrum De Balie op 15 juni 2022 – Dutch
Kate Sinha, Juni 9, 2022

Farewell to institutions – KIRAC 24
About the developments around KIRAC Episode 24 ‘Under a Sinking Sun’ and our show at KIOSK & KIOSK Ghent.
Kate Sinha, April 1, 2022

Email to Kate’s former professor in art theory, Jeremy Tanner, University College London
About Episode 16 ‘King Philip and the Pied Flycatcher’ and how KIRAC developed.
Kate Sinha, November 3, 2019

Ayn’s Creature

About Ayn Rand, but also a poëtica of KIRAC.
Kate Sinha, Commissioned by De Balie, June 2019

De valse noot: de ambtenaar als aartsvijand van de kunstenaar (Dutch)
Kate Sinha, Opinie ThePostOnline, August 27, 2018

Kate stelt zich kandidaat als directeur van het Stedelijk Museum (Dutch)
‘Zodra het Stedelijk Museum zich onder mijn leiding openstelt, zal zij daardoor meteen vrijer zijn om zowel een relevante als originele artistieke koers te varen.’
Kate Sinha, June 25, 2018

Email with art teacher (Dutch)
Kate on feminism and Kirac. ‘Baas in eigen hoofd’.
Kate Sinha, May 10, 2018

Token én talent (Dutch)
About the Rietveld cancelation and Zanele Muholi.
Kate Sinha, Opinie Volkskrant. February 14, 2018

Mondriaan’s Desire (English)
Additional text to ‘KIRAC 10: The bad breath of Mondriaan specialist Hans Janssen’.
Kate Sinha, November 2017

De Toekomstige Directeur van het Stedelijk Museum (Dutch)
About the exit of Stedelijk Museum director Beatrix Ruf.
Kate Sinha, In Dutch. ThePostOnline. October 22, 2017

Kate Sinha wrote this text to accompany the release of KIRAC 8: ‘The Art of Stefan Simchowitz’
Kate Sinha. July 2, 2017

KIRAC 2017 Funding text (Dutch)
Funding text for Mondriaanfonds. (Funding was granted)
Stefan Ruitenbeek and Kate Sinha. January 15, 2017

Objection (Dutch)
Objection against decision Mondriaanfonds to not grant us funding for KIRAC 2017
Stefan Ruitenbeek and Kate Sinha. November 14, 2016

Charlie Hebdo: ‘t Is niet om de knikkers, maar om ‘t recht van ‘t spel (Dutch)
Kate Sinha, June 1, 2016

Artist and populist. Jeff Koons 
Kate Sinha, Februari 15, 2016

Jeff Koons and Antiquity
Kate Sinha, Februari 10, 2016

Vrouwen en de geesteswetenschappen (Dutch)
Kate Sinha, November 10, 2015.